Thursday, November 24, 2011


Pepperspray in the eyes hurts and burns, would you even spray a cat in the eyes with it?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1) Upload a video segment to the online video/film collaborative experiment, Man With A Movie Camera: The Global Remake i uploaded about 20 video clips to this project mostly of the veteran's parade 2011 in reno,nv. i also uploaded at least 5 drawings to johnny cash but never found out if any were used in these projects. update: participants: Austin Vesely | Blue Ridge Community College Film and Video | Brett VandenBerg | Damayanthi Villagrán | George Vassilaros | Jan Vandromme | victoria vallis | Vorapat i shared drawings #780, 438, 105 of johnny cash project and they were accepted

Sunday, November 20, 2011

sash n thrash send a merry christmas

this video has two purposes: to ask for entries into the crowddogsourcing project to get dogs homes and to show santas helpers as an ad i saw on tv

Monday, November 14, 2011

Crowdsourced Art

Where did this concept and name wiki-art come from? In Hawaii wiki means Vicki which also could stand for victory or victim. We are all victorious in freedom of experience and expression, yet we are all victims if the art is done for free and others prosper. So who owns this communal art and how is it used? Where does the art end up, in whose hands?  What can be done with this new and novel art form? Yet is it really such a new form? Communal art in the form of quilting bees, cabin and barn raisings have historically pulled communities together. Are we really just finding a way to meet and create together to preserve society as a people proposition. As we hide safely away in the safety of our cubicles typing on keyboards that hold us all hostage, is this not just a new form of socialization? A better name might be Washoe-art, as Washoe means people!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

sash and thrash meet the world


Assignment 2 animation alice in wonderland triptych 3 shooting stars


 <iframe width="220" height="182" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

inverted skeleton bony productions